Rakic L, Santric-Milicevic M, Nikolic D, Vasic M, Babic U, Todorovic J, Terzic-Supic Z, Milenkovic S. The Relationship between Individual and Family Characteristics and Cyberbullying Exposure in a Nationally Representative Sample of School-Aged Children Living in Serbia. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jul 12;18(14):7443. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18147443.
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Santric-Milicevic M, Vasic M, Vasic V, et al. Uptake of Health Care Services by Refugees: Modelling a Country Response to a Western Balkan Refugee Crisis. Healthcare (Basel). 2020;8(4):560. doi:10.3390/healthcare8040560 (JCR IF2019= 1,916; M23).
Santric Milicevic M, Nikolic D, Kostadinovic M, Babic U, Mitrovic-Jovanovic M, Milanovic F, Bavec A. Sociodemographic predictors of pain in old people: Serbian population-based study. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2020 Dec 9. doi: 10.1007/s00508-020-01783-x. (JCR IF2019=1,323; M22).
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Bjegovic-Mikanovic V, Santric-Milicevic M, Cichowska A, von Krauss MK, Perfilieva G, Rebac B, Zuleta-Marin I, Dieleman M, Zwanikken P. Sustaining success: aligning the public health workforce in South-Eastern Europe with strategic public health priorities. Int J Public Health 2018;63(5):651-662. doi: 10.1007/s00038-018-1105-7. (JCR IF2018=2,373; M22)
Santric-Milicevic M, Vasic V, Terzic-Supic Z. Do health care workforce, population, and service provision significantly contribute to the total health expenditure? An econometric analysis of Serbia. Hum Resour Health. 2016;14(1):50. doi: 10.1186/s12960-016-0146-3 (JCR IF 2016=1,780; M21).