Todorovic J, Terzic- Supic Z, Mazic S, Suzic- Lazic J, Zikic D, Nesic D. The effects of intracerebroventricularly applied ghrelin on thymocytes and thymic architecture in rats of different ages. Archives of Biological Sciences. 2020; 72 (2): 265-270. (M23, IF: 0.719)
Dikic M, Nikolic D, Todorovic, J, Terzic-Supic Z, Kostadinovic M, Babic U, Gacevic M. Santric-Milicevic M. Alignment of Perceived Competencies and Perceived Job Tasks among Primary Care Managers. Healthcare. 2020;8(1):9 ( M22, IF: 1.785)
Todorovic J, Terzic-Supic Z, Bjegovic-Mikanovic V, Piperac P, Dugalic S, Gojnic-Dugalic M. Factors Associated with the Leisure-Time Physical Activity (LTPA) during the First Trimester of the Pregnancy: The Cross-Sectional Study among Pregnant Women in Serbia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17, 1366. (M 21, IF 2.849)
Djuric O, Markovic Denic L, Popovac S, Todorovic J, Marusic V, Maksimovic N. Awareness and knowledge about HPV infection and HPV vaccination among women undergoing cytology and colposcopy in Serbian cervical cancer counseling center. Journal of BUON. 2020; 25(1):116—124. (M23, IF: 1.695)
Aleksandric G, Matic S, Todorovic J, Terzic-Supic Z, Aleksic V. Misdiagnosis of cystic pancreatic tumors during a 30-year study period. European Surgery. 2020;52(3):127–31. (M23, IF: 0.798)
Obradovic-Tomasevic B, Santric-Milicevic M, Vasic V, Vukovic D, Sipetic-Grujicic S, Bjegovic-Mikanovic V, Terzic-Supic Z, Tomasevic R, Todorovic J, Babic U. Prevalence and Predictors of Violence Victimization and Violent Behavior among Youths : A Population-Based Study in Serbia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16:3203–21. (M21, IF: 2.849)
Todorovic J, Terzic-Supic Z, Djikanovic B, Nesic D, Piperac P, Stamenkovic Z. Can social media intervention improve physical activity of medical students? Public Health. 2019;174:69–73. (M22, IF:1.774)
Joldic M, Todorovic J, Terzic-Supic Z. The needs of patients with rare disease in Serbia . Why do we need National Strategy for rare disease ? Health and Social Care Community. 2019; 27 (5): e861-e870 (M21, IF:2.050)
Terzic-Supic Z, Jelic M, Santric-Milicevic M, Kilibarda B, Mirkovic M, Bankovic-Lazarevic D, Todorovic, J. National survey on lifestyles and gambling in Serbia: gambling participation and problem gambling in adult population. International Gambling Studies, 2019;19(2): 265-281. (M22, IF: 2.410)
Terzic-Supic Z, Bukumiric D, Santric-Milicevic M, Corac A, Paut Kusturica M, Mirkovic M, Bukumiric Z, Todorovic J, Ristic B, Trajkovic G. Knowledge and Practices Related to Unused Medications in Households in Serbia, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. 2019; 53(2): 334.342 (M23, IF: 0.721)