Maksimović MŽ, Gudelj Rakić JM, Vlajinac HD, Vasiljević ND, Marinković JM. Relationship between health behaviour and body mass index in the Serbian adult population: data from National Health Survey 2013. Int J Public Health. 2016;61(1):57-68.
Maksimović MŽ, Gudelj Rakić JM, Vlajinac HD, Vasiljević ND, Nikić MI, Marinković JM. Comparison of different anthropometric measures in the adult population in Serbia as indicators of obesity: data from the National Health Survey 2013. Public Health Nutr. 2016;19(12):2246-55. .
Vasilic-Brasnjevic S, Marinkovic J, Vlajinac H, Vasiljevic N, Jakovljevic B, Nikic M, Maksimovic M. Association of body mass index and waist circumference with severity of knee osteoarthritis. Acta Reumatol Port. 2016;41(3):226-31.
Radak DJ, Tanaskovic SZ, Vlajinac HD, Marinkovic JM, Maksimovic MZ. Relationship Between Pain and CEAP C Categories of Chronic Venous Disease. Angiology. 2016;67(7):670-5.
Maksimović MŽ, Marinković JM, Vlajinac HD, Maksimović JM, Tomanić MS, Radak DJ. Awareness and knowledge of cardiovascular disease risk factors among medical students. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2017;129(13-14):458-63. doi: 10.1007/s00508-017-1192-0.
Rakić JG, Maksimović M, Janković J, Vlajinac H, Marinković J. Relationship between socioeconomic and nutritional status in the Serbian adult population: a cross-sectional study. Sao Paulo Med J. 2018;136(4):310-8. doi: 10.1590/1516-3180.2018.0038170418.
Vlajinac HD, Marinković JM, Maksimović MZ, Radak DJ, Arsić RB, Jorga JB. The prevalence of polyvascular disease in patients with carotid artery disease and peripheral artery disease. Kardiol Pol. 2019; 25;77(10):926-934. doi: 10.33963/KP.14945.
Rakic S, Dopsaj M, Djordjevic-Nikic M, Vasiljevic N, Dopsaj V, Maksimovic M, Tomanic M, Miljus D. Profile and Reference Values for Body Fat and Skeletal Muscle Mass Percent at Females, Aged from 18.0 to 69.9, Measured by Multichannel Segmental Bioimpedance Method: Serbian Population Study. Int J Morphol, 2019:37(4):1286-93.
Tomanic M, Soldatovic I, Jovanovic A, Vukasinovic D, Maksimovic M. Translation, adaptation and validation of the youth attitude to noise scale (YANS) questionnaire into serbian language. Noise Health. 2020;22(105):56-61.
Maksimovic JM, Vukasinovic MM, Vlajinac HD, Jotic AD, Milovanovic MS, Ivanov SY, Maksimovic MZ, Milovanovic JP. Anxiety and depression in patients with vocal fold nodules, edema and polyps. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol .2020;277(9):2493-500. doi: 10.1007/s00405-020-06001-y.